You are the best thing that ever happened to me, the children and theirs as well. You were not financially rich but you were rich in love, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, energy and a lo more. Nurturing me from the days I could remember I thought you were too hard on me. I had to ask daddy if indeed you were my mother n he said yes Mel she is, but you need a firm hand to straighten you up so you do not go astray. It was difficult for me to understand, but as I grew up, I grew to appreciate you. You ensured I had a good education. When it came to getting married you didn't mince words with me. You said you've got a good man from a good family, what else do you want. And so together you walked with me on the journey of marriage. I drew so much strength from you and for this I am grateful. You made me understand that a woman's place is to fend for and defend her family especially spiritually. You were my husbands good friend. The bond was great I couldn't even penetrate you guys. My children loved their holidays with you and grandpa, and when he passed they said were going to keep grandma's company, so they get away from my net. But then life has its way of taking its toll on one. You came to spend Christmas holiday with us in Abeokuta in 2021 and your grandchildren said, sebi grandma is not going to Ibadan again abi? It's our turn to look after her. All hands on deck we did so to the glory of God. You ushered in four great grandchildren with so much joy and love as always. You took care of them in your own way. Life had to play its bit on you and so the short journey to the end started. You were such a caring loving mother. Even in your discomfort you kept on asking me, 'Mel who go look after me pikin dem for me' and I was shocked, you're fighting for your life and all you think about is your children? Who does that? Only a MOTHER WORTH HER WEIGHT IN GOLD. No wonder you left for another greatgrandchild to come. My mother, my strong woman, my mentor. Who will pray for me now, who will tell me to come sleep awhile by her side when I return from work, who will ask me to buy chocolates and biscuits for her? Mummy I miss you,but will always love and remember you. You left a day after my birthday and came again in another form the evening you left. Sleep on dear Mummy J, D-mordaa, my sweet angel. Keep watching over us together with Papy J. Goodnight.
Your troublesome daughter as you always referred to me
Melutia Ogunremi Oluremi
Permanent Secretary
Ogun State.