Grandma, our precious jewel that money cannot buy, you were a gem indeed and worth your weight in gold.
In my early years spending my holidays with you and Grandpa J, I felt the love and affection so deep; I always looked forward to every holiday or when you would come around to visit us in Abeokuta. As I grew older, having more siblings and cousins, I saw your love multiply. It was more than enough to go round.
Grandma's house holds most of my fondest childhood memories, it was full of warmth, love, joy, happiness, laughter, stories and plenty food that even when we cried over silly things it didn't matter. From the gallery of pictures on the wall, to the well placed pieces of decor, delicious, nutritious meals and endless treats (we all loved Grandma's transparent container of biscuits), whether we were good or naughty and didn't deserve any, we were rest assured we would have our share.
You taught me how to be responsible and accountable. Our conversations over tea, or when I'm painting your nails with pink nail polish, especially during my service year when I had you all to myself. I treasure now more than ever those times, I am grateful for all the lessons, the teachings and discipline.
You taught us devotion to prayer, taking us to mass with you and ensuring we all said a word of prayer in the mornings and at night no matter our number and age, we were never too young to pray.
You were present for virtually all my milestones; from my first day of boarding school, to my graduation, you always showed up for me. You had the best gifts to give, you never expected anything return, all you wanted was for us to be good and make you proud. I am glad I did, we all did, and to the glory of God, I met all your "demands"
Grandma J, I will smile more now, your smile was ever so beautiful and it was always the perfect finish to your already admirable looks.
I am glad to have encountered you in this life, proud to be a part of your legacy, proud to be your first granddaughter, it has always felt like the best title in the world.
I know you are no longer with us on this side, I miss you sorely and I really tried to put these words together to prove I am not in denial of your passing, I still ask my mum "how is Grandma J?" I never knew it would be a great challenge to put pen to paper.
You ran your race, you fulfilled God's purpose; you were fruitful and multiplied and saw your children's, children's children, what a life Grandma, and a beautiful one at that. You finished well, drew your last breath, God showed us indeed He takes and He gives, as I birthed your sixth great-grandchild hours after your passing, it will always be a surreal experience for me, I like to say, you left me with a gift. Thank you Grandma, I love you, till we meet again.
Rest well my dearest Grandma J,
-Opeoluwayemi Somolu "Oppy Jojo"